Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Part 1

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Last year I was fighting tears all day because I wanted so badly to be sharing our day with children or at least have on one the way and this year I was running around like a crazy person trying to get two babies out of the house and to our NINE (you read that right but they weren't all on Sunday) Christmases on time.  It was great.  Here are some pics from all the fun.

 My hunny and I at my in-law's house on Thursday night.

Here we all are except for Chris' grandparents who were there.  Sweet Mamaw is taking all the pics.

Chris' brother, Michael and his wife, Ashley recently moved to New Orleans so Michael could begin his MDiv at NOTBS.  We are so thrilled for all of the things that the Lord is doing in their lives but we sure do miss them.  It stinks quite frankly.  Here they are.
We miss them so much and so do the twinsies.  I think that the feeling is mutual.

The next day we headed over to my dad's to celebrate.  We had a blast.

Pappy loves his Emmy.  I can't write too much about my dad because it gets me all weepy but he's just the best.  Yep.  I'm already tearing up.

This is my little sister, Abbi.  Isn't she adorable?!  I love her so much and we have a great relationship.  She is such a natural with kids and the babies love her.

My little brother, Nic.  He's hilarious and has a heart of gold.  We got him some fun mustaches and a harmonica.  Sorry to my parents. :)

My sweet little man playing with all the paper.

They got them a wagon as one of their gifts and the babies LOVE it.  It was the perfect gift.  And there's Gigi (or my step-mom, Sandy).  She is the best gift giver ever.  She's one of those awesome people who listen to you all year just to hear you say what you would like to have and then comes Christmas and you open it up!  She makes all holidays so special.  She always has.  I'm very thankful for her and man does she love those babies.

Please don't ask me what my husband's shirt is about.  Yes, it involves wrestling and that's all I'm going to say.  He's a nut.

We had a couple of other places in between but here is Emma with my mom on Christmas eve at my grandmother and grandfather's house.  My mom is so great with the babies.  They love their Mama D and she's pretty smitten herself.  She is one of the most selfless people that I know.  I wish that I was just half as generous as she is.  She's a wonderful mother and I hope to be like her in so many ways.

This is my cousin Angela and her sweet boy-friend, Bobby.  Even though technically I am the oldest child, Angela has always been more like an older sister to me.  We were together a lot as children and I just adore her.  I know that I used to drive her crazy because I copied everything she did but she was always very patient with me as I developed my own interests. :)

This is my sister Katie and her new husband, David.  They are the cutest.  I am so thankful that the Lord sent her such a godly man who loves her so much.  They are great and I love it when I get to spend time with them.

Me and Em.

I love this picture so much.  This is my Paw and Chance.  My grandfather had a really bad stroke years ago and hasn't been able to really move the left side of his body since.  It's been hard on him and my grandmother but they are the picture of understanding that this world is not our home.  He has so much hope and loves Jesus with all of his being.  He always has the sweetest attitude and would give the shirt off his back to someone in need.  I cherish my time with him.

Sunday morning we headed to my mom's house to do Christmas with her.  Chris is on staff at our church so he had to be there Christmas eve and Christmas morning.  I got to my mom's around 10:45 and he joined us around noon.  Here is Chance getting to the goods.

Bless their hearts.  They didn't get anything for Christmas.

And here we are at Chris' grandparent's house.  They go all out with prime rib and shrimp for lunch so we always look forward to the company and good food.

Here are the girls.  Chris' mom's parents had three kids, two girls and one boy.  They all got married and they all had sons.  There are no grand-daughters or nieces.  So, when Chris and I got married and they all got a girl it was a big deal.  Now three of the grandsons are married, we just added Emma and Andrea (on the far right) is having a little girl in April!  So we are finally filing the house up with some girls.  We are kind of a big deal over there. :)

And here they are, all the boys.  I think they are all so cute.  Seven grandsons and now Chance.

This is Chris' mom, Lana.  Isn't she pretty?  She is one sweet and happy Granna.

It's not too clear but there are Mamaw and Pawpaw on the right.  They are true examples of leaving a legacy of love.

And then we had a wee little photo shoot but I'll spare you...this time.

We finished the day with Chris' dad, Ronnie, step-mom, Tracy, and Michael and Ashley coming over to our house.

Here are the guys playing with the babies.  Pops is a great grandfather.  He's so sweet with them.

This picture will break me out in hives if I stare at it too long.  No looks much different today.  We now have an organized mess. :)

Here's Ronnie and Tracy.  Notice Ronnie's stain...Emma got him right off the bat.

So, all in all it was a great few days.  We were (and are) slap worn out but I wouldn't have it any other way.  The babies were so good everywhere we went.  I know it wasn't always fun to be in and out of their car seats so much but they were troopers.  I loved our time with family, whether we see them every week or twice a year, it was a great visit.

I will be posting part II this week sometime.  Don't worry, no more pics just some thoughts that were running wild though my mind and heart over the last few days.

I hope that you guys had a great Christmas, too.  I'm thankful that Jesus tolerates us celebrating His birthday on a day that most likely isn't even His birthday.  He's a good God.

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