Monday, December 12, 2011

number one

This is just one of the many, many attempts to be a blogger.  I love to read blogs.  I have about 10 that I check on a pretty regular basis and when I don't, I feel like I miss them.  Maybe that's weird but when people let you into their home and lives, you begin to feel slightly a part of their comings and goings.  Those are my favorite blogs.  The ones that are the real deal.  If I feel like a blogger is trying to portray a picture perfect scene, I become less and less interested because I know that's just not life.

I am going to do my very best to be a real blogger.  I read a list of blogging tips one time and one of them was not to blog to try to get readers.  I would be lying if I didn't admit that I would love to have a following of blog readers, but that's really not the reason that I'm finally kicking this off.  The main reason is that we have had some pretty big life changes here lately and I want to remember even the smallest things that I would normally forget.

I will get more into the story later but we recently (actually two months ago today) welcomed twins into our home!  And they are pretty fantastic.

Edible, right?!


  1. You've got 1 follower here, Mere :) Looking forward to reading your posts and seeing photos of the twins!

  2. Love it! Can't wait to read more!

  3. yay! So excited that you have started a blog! Can't wait to read more about those sweet babies!

  4. I'm a follower. Makes me feel closer to you guys.

  5. Somebody has gotten good at keeping secrets... ;)

  6. I am also a mom to twins! I will be excited to follow along.
